We have children’s classes during the worship service. Below is a quick outline of how we work to show the love of Christ and teach the deep truths of God to each age:
Ages 0-3: These children are directed to our nursery where trained volunteers care for them. In the toddlers room, a general schedule is in place that allows opportunities for unstructured play time and times of instruction where children practice sitting and listening. Childcare for these ages is provided for the entirety of the worship service.
Ages 4 -Third Grade: These children join the church body in the worship center to experience the first part of the service with their families. After being dismissed to Children’s Worship, the kids have fellowship, prayer, singing and a lesson from the New City Catechism curriculum.
Fourth Grade and up: These children join the church body in the worship center for the entire service. Fourth- and fifth-grade students have the opportunity to serve as junior helpers once a month in various ministries in which adult volunteers have completed our Child Abuse Protection training.
A quick overview of how Sunday mornings look for PHBC kids is below!